Five Tips to Lose Those Christmas Pounds

Christmas is gone and you probably ate your heart out! You had fun with family and friends. Celebrated with the kids. Now, who has got the time to watch the weight and the calorie consumption! Well, fun time is over. Now it is time to lose those Christmas pounds!
Take a look at these five tips that are surely going to help you get rid of Christmas pounds.
Time to hit the gym
Yes, exercise is the best thing that you can do to get rid of that excess weight. Make sure to exercise at least five times a week for at least 30 minutes a day. Aerobic exercise and resistance training are the best ways to get your cardiovascular system working in the best possible way. These not only will help you lose those Christmas pounds but also tone up your muscles. Running, swimming, cycling, so what's your choice going to be?

Don't forget to eat a nutritious diet
If you think that you are going to become slim and trim by not eating, it is time to change your attitude. Staying hungry, skipping breakfasts, and eating like a bird is only going to make you put on more weight and leave you exhausted. So, what should you do? Eat a healthy and nutritious diet. Your diet should provide you with the daily recommended intake of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Drink water
You just cannot forget fluids. Fluids help in improving digestion, better absorption of food, carrying nutrients to the cells of your body, and cutting down the excess fat. So, don't forget to drink 8-10 glasses of water. You can also include fruit and vegetable juices to get the essential nutrients as well as provide the necessary energy to the cells of your body.
Eat lots of fibers
Replace your white bread with brown bread and see the difference in your weight. This means that you should go for wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, and brown rice instead of white rice and bagels. These wholemeal foods are high in fibers. High-fiber foods can really help you lose the Christmas pounds because they take time to chew and swallow and they also take more time to digest. So, time to include some fiber in your day!
Go for protein
Protein is another nutrient that can make you keep feeling fuller for longer. Foods such as lean meat, chicken, eggs, and fish are rich in proteins and they improve satiety or the feeling of fullness. The more the feeling of fullness, the less likely you are going to feel hungry between meals. So, go for chicken breast instead of biscuits.

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