How To Eat Healthier To Improve Your Life

How To Eat Healthier
When women are young they tend to not think about weight gain.
They spend their younger years running around and not having a care in the world. As they get into their teenage years they start to notice that they are putting on excess fat. This is because they do not run around as much and therefore do not burn up as many calories. This is the time of your life that you need to learn how to eat healthier.
What steps should people take to lead a healthier life?
Nutrition is vital to a healthier lifestyle.
This has to be learnt. The first thing to concentrate on is getting your protein, carbohydrates and fats in the correct proportions. In order to eat in the right proportions to stop you from putting on extra weight you should aim for:
  • 50% carbohydrates
  • 30% protein
  • 20% fat
The protein carbohydrate fat ratio is not set in stone but it should be stuck to as close as possible.
Let us begin with carbohydrates.
There are basically two types of carbohydrates. Bad ones are things like sugar. Sugars give you a quick burst of energy but any excess sugar is stored as fat which is bad for your health. Sugar should be avoided as much as possible. The other type of carbohydrate is called as good carbohydrates and these are basically known as starch. Starch is a form of energy of energy that keeps you going throughout the day. These come from things like rice, bread, pasta and cereal. Be careful when eating cereal though because a lot of them contain high amounts of sugar.
What are the best protein sources for your body?
Some of the best protein sources include: chicken, fish and for vegetarian's quinoa and grains.
Finally we come to fat.
There are two types of fat. The bad fats are called saturated fats and the good fats are called unsaturated fats. Examples of bad fats are things like: cookies, sweets, butter, cream and fatty meat. Examples of good fats are things like: nuts, oily fish, olive oil and pumpkin seeds.
Make sure that you avoid the bad fats as much as possible.
This article is only intended as a rough guide to what you should be eating.
If you follow the general principles contained on this article you will be going in the right direction of how to eat healthier.
Read other people's weight loss stories. Do not forget to click on the link to other pages near the top.

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