Step 1: Incorporate Smart Eating Habits
Eat Breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight, but that is far from the truth! Research shows that eating breakfast can actually help people control their weight. The negative affect of skipping breakfast from a weight loss perspective is it makes you eat a big lunch. You might be wondering why is it a bad thing to skip breakfast and eat a big lunch, well, there are two reasons. First, blood flows to the digestive system to help digest the big meal you just had. As a result, the rest of the body's systems can start to feel a little slow. Second, the amount of insulin released increases proportionally to the quantity of food ingested. Insulin increases the amount of serotonin and melatonin that flood the brain, two chemicals associated with drowsiness. Ideally, you want breakfast to be your biggest meal of the day, lunch your second largest and dinner your smallest.
Eat A Smaller Dinner
As the day progresses our metabolic rate decreases. By the end of the day we need to pay attention to our body's slowed metabolic rate and eat accordingly. Eat just enough to keep your energy throughout the night till breakfast. Dinners should be high in protein and fibre, low in fat or fat-free. Ideally eat 2 to 3 hours before you retire to bed or not beyond 8pm which ever comes earlier.
Eat 5 To 6 Times A Day
By eating 5 to 6 small meals per day, you will increase your energy levels, accelerate muscle growth, and speed up your metabolism without storing fat. Your hunger cravings will also be destroyed. This is because eating 5 to 6 meals per day helps maintain a balanced blood sugar level, preventing hunger attacks.
Fix Your Diet
Each meal should consist of complex carbs, protein, and fat. Your diet should contain a wealth of leafy greens, lean meat, fruits, fiber, and various other vegetables.
Step 2: Exercise
I believe, that resistance training plus aerobic training together trumps either type of training by itself. By doing both types of training you can gain these benefits: increase your strength, gain lean muscle, burn more calories, decrease your body fat and improve your overall health. If you currently don't have a program that incorporates both types of training, then I highly recommend you check out these programs.
Step 3: Sleep
When you get at least 8 hours of sleep your body regulates the hormone ghrelin, which increases appetite. Adequate rest also helps produce the hormone leptin, which regulates your appetite. You're also more likely to skip a workout if you didn't sleep enough. When you sleep at night the body repairs all the tissues from any damage that occurred during the day (when you work a muscle, you do a little damage to it). Sleep is an incredibly vital part of your plan for 6 pack abs!
Step 4: Stay Hydrated
Did you know that most of the human body is made up of water? Up to 60% of the human body is water! When our body is dehydrated it doesn't work as efficiently, even mild dehydration will slow down one's metabolism. Slower metabolism means more fat stored and less used as fuel for your body. Also, if your body is short on fluids, performance suffers, you get tired faster and that may sideline you from exercise. Staying hydrated daily is a key factor for overall wellness.
There is nothing groundbreaking or new in this article. These are all simple things that have been proved time and time again to be effective in getting a ripped physique.
You can find more health and fitness tips on my website,
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