Are Diets the Answer or Is Lifestyle Change Better?

Today I would like to answer the question are diets the answer or is lifestyle change better. I am going to simply answer this question and then go into detail regarding the reasons behind the answer. This answer is based on my own experience with weight issues and from my consultations with professionals from different backgrounds. The consensus was that lifestyle changes are better but diets can be a good way to jump the change. Diets are not a long term solution; they are a short term one. Let's take a closer look into why this is.
Diets can help you to lose fat faster
The fact is diets can help you to lose fat faster. The weight will come off more quickly while you are dieting than just if you were to start the lifestyle changes however, if not combined with a lifestyle change after the diet all of the weight you lost while dieting will come back. In some extreme cases some dieters have found that they have put on more weight than before they started the diet. There is a reason for this. As we start to age our body changes. The changes are gradual, not easy to identify like a child's growth spurt but they are happening. They happen from the inside and work their way outside.
These changes in our body's means that we also need to make changes as well. In a lot of cases, we forget that we are not the same people we were 10, 20, 30 years ago. Our digestive system won't process food the same way, which means that the foods you could eat when you were a teen, you may not be able to eat anymore or you can't eat as much of. I was thinking back to when I was a teenager and I recall being very physically active. I ate whatever I wanted but I didn't put on any weight because I was active, biking, blading, walking, I was busy.
Diets help you to lose the weight that you are trying to lose faster. When this is combined with a lifestyle change it can be a powerful thing. What that means is you have now lost the weight you wanted to lose but rather than putting it back on you keep it off with the lifestyle change. The awareness that you have successfully lost the weight and you have successfully changed the old eating patterns will bring about a positive change in your life. To answer the question again Diets are the answer, but only when they are combined with a positive lifestyle change as well.
To learn more about dieting and weight loss visit my blog at

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