Kick starting your metabolism is as easy as eating right, getting the proper amount at rest, and a few days of moderate exercise a week, that is it.
There is no magic pill. The only thing that is need is a few small tweaks to your already busy life style and you will be well on your way to boosting your metabolism.
Below is a list of ways to boost your metabolism.
1) Eat more often - At least five or six times a day. Keep in mind I am not saying have three huge meals more like three medium meals and three healthy snacks. This keeps the blood sugar level and in the process cuts down on the cravings.
2) Build muscle - Studies have shown that one of quickest ways to boost the metabolism is to add lean muscle. Muscles are made up of metabolically active tissues, which need energy to be built and maintain.
Fat tissue on the other hand just sits there basically just taking up space so if you want to boost your metabolism it is very important to begin a workout regime. I know with most people's hectic schedule's there isn't much time set aside for trips to the gym.
If you don't have the time or money to go to the gym there are things you can do in your home. A few push ups and sits ups in the morning or before bed will go along way boosting the metabolism.
3) Diet - Although eating more frequently will certainly help to boost the metabolism we have to be smart about what is consumed. Here is a short list of some of the foods that will help kick-start the metabolism. Foods like Fish, turkey, chicken, egg whites, fresh vegetables, and whole natural foods.
4) Cardio - You have to get moving. You need to get a least twenty minutes of cardio in at least three or four times a week. Walking, bike riding, jogging, whatever it is that you prefer this is a very important part of increasing your metabolism speed.
5) Water - It is very important to stay hydrated. Water plays a huge part when it comes to our digestive system. Extracting all the proper nutrients from the food, you consume and are a healthier alternative then the sugary counter part. At a minimum, a person should try to drink about 2 liters of water a day and more on workout days. Another added benefit of drinking more water is it water tends to simulate the feeling of being full.
6) Proper rest - It is very important to get the proper rest the body needs. Irregular sleep patterns can disrupt the metabolism. If possible you should try to get a solid eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
7) Add Spicy - Curry, Cayenne, Jalapenos, Increase body temperature. Studies have shown that the body's temperature and the metabolism are related thus, if you raise your body temperature, you will also raise your metabolism.
Kick start your metabolism with these 7 easy tips and loss and keep the weight off.
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