Weight Loss: 4 Barriers Between You and Losing Weight

Q: In your opinion, what are the barriers that are keeping so many people overweight?
A: That's a really great question. In a recent TeleSeminar I asked my subscribers and clients to send me their most important questions about their weight loss struggles.
In response I have come up with 4 barriers people face when they are struggling to lose weight.
1. Lack of Willpower
2. Stress
3. Cravings
4. No Time For Exercise
1. Lack of Willpower
How many times have you felt like you just didn't have any willpower? And how many times has your supposed "lack" of willpower caused you to give in to your food temptations and just give up with your desire to lose weight? It turns out that it has NOTHING to do with willpower and everything to do with habits! A habit is something you don't really think much about, it is pretty automatic. Good habits don't require willpower or discipline, but what about bad habits? Well, you probably don't think about the bad habit as much as the consequences on your waistline and thighs. What you need to do is establish healthy eating habits (not a fast fix radical diet that restricts your calories, but a healthy way of eating for at least 90 days). Continuing to eat a healthy diet for 90 days is enough time to have totally replaced your old (bad ways of eating) habits with new (healthy ways of eating) habits. If you fall off the wagon, stop, forgive yourself, and move on.
2. Stress
Stress means extra weight on your body. Why? Stress causes hormonal imbalances, which produces extra cortisol in your body. Cortisol consumes your muscle tissue for fuel. It increases abdominal fat; depletes your happy hormone serotonin, which causes you to crave sugary carbohydrates; it causes blood sugar level imbalances; causes sleep disruptions; causes the "buffalo hump" of fat on the back of your neck and upper back area; and causes "love handles". Great ways to reduce stress are to get a massage and to laugh. If a massage isn't in your budget right now then go and watch funny movies. Laughing reduces cortisol and enhances your immune system.
3. Cravings
We all have cravings for certain types of foods, the foods that we are drawn to, and make us weak in the knees. These foods are full of empty calories, sugar, salt, additives and taste amazing to most people. Not to mention highly addictive! When you find yourself getting ready to enter this eating frenzy, just stop for a moment and be mindful of what you are doing. Breath. If you decide to go ahead with the craving, never eat out of the container or while you are sitting idly watching TV. Make it a single serving so it's less tempting.
4. No Time for Exercise
Exercise in the morning, this way you can't find excuses not to do it. And if you put it off until the end of the day you will likely feel too tired and not do it. All you need is 15-20 minutes to get your heart rate up! Everyone has 20 minutes a day.
Blow past these 4 barriers to weight loss and you will be well on your way to losing weight, right away.
For your FREE Guide To Beat Belly Fat visit: http://www.incrediblebodynow.com

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