Looking to Slim Down? This One Trick Will Make a World of Difference

Are you struggling to slim down and shed those unwanted pounds? You can drop a dress size with this one little trick I want to share with you. It is something that a lot of people are addicted to, and you are most likely popping way too much of it in some form or another. So what is this mysterious ingredient that has seeped its way into our food and making you fat? Sugar!
Cutting back and eliminating as much sugar as possible can do you a load of good, especially in losing weight. Sugar is one of the most important substances to cut out of your diet to shed the pounds and get a lean, beautiful body-your best body ever. You'll not only feel great, but you'll look pretty great too.
Sugar comes from a variety of foods, like pasta, white bread, and of course what you already know: cookies, cupcakes, pies, all those delicious sweets that we hide in the back of the pantry. All of these foods cause a spike in your blood sugar, giving you a temporary burst of energy only to have you crash a short while later. These sugary foods are nothing more than empty calories, and they make you pack on the pounds like nothing else.
One word of caution for cutting back on sugar: don't go cold turkey. Trying to cut all sugar out of your diet at once can lead to fatigue, headaches, and mood swings-especially if you have a serious sweet tooth. Instead, gradually start to eliminate those sugary vices from your diet, allowing your body time to grow accustomed to the changes in your eating patterns.
Here are a few tips and tricks to help you go sugar free without the side effects to help you lose weight, look great and get the body you adore:
1. Eat breakfast. Having something to eat first thing in the morning can keep hunger in check, which helps ward off late-day sugar cravings. Try having a bowl of steel-cut oats or a hard-boiled egg and a rice cake. You'll kick start your metabolism too, which will also help with weight loss.
2. Add some protein into every meal. The body digests protein more slowly than fats and carbohydrates, keeping you fuller longer. Reach for lean meats and plant-based sources of protein. Avoid fatty foods, which set you up for nighttime cravings and will have you reaching for the chocolate in no time.
3. Drink more water. One of the best ways to keep any kind of food craving at bay is to stay hydrated. Research even shows that eating water-heavy foods (think melons and tomatoes) leads to a higher level of appetite satisfaction, which can also curtail cravings.
Still craving that sugary fix? Try sprinkling some cinnamon or drizzling some vanilla extract over a bowl of fruit. You'll get the sweetness you crave while staying away from refined sugar.
For more great tips on being healthier, happier and stress free download my free report "Your Ultimate Guide to Conquering Stress & Feeling Amazing" at http://www.HerHealthOnly.com.
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